Local Links
We have compiled a list of helpful links for you. Use these links before and during your visit to Florence to help you plan the best trip possible.
Reports & Documents
Local Government & Organizations Links
- City of Florence: www.florenceal.org
- Rogersville, Alabama: www.rogersvillealabama.org
- Economic Development Authority: www.seda-shoals.com
- Shoals Chamber of Commerce: www.shoalschamber.com
- Downtown Florence Unlimited www.downtownflorenceunlimited.com
- Tennessee Valley Authority: www.tva.gov
- Florence Main Street www.florencemainstreet.org
- Northwest Alabama Regional Airport: www.flytheshoals.com
Attractions & Events
- First Fridays in Florence: www.downtownflorencealliance.com
- W.C. Handy Festival: www.wchandymusicfestival.org
- Frank Lloyd Wright’s Rosenbaum House: www.wrightinalabama.com
- Alabama Music Hall of Fame: www.alamhof.org
- Helen Keller’s Birthplace: www.helenkellerbirthplace.org
- Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail of the Shoals: www.rtjgolf.com
The Arts
- Tennessee Valley Art Association: www.tennesseevalleyarts.org
- The Shoals Symphony Orchestra: www.una.edu/shoals-symphony
- Shoals Theatre: http://theshoalstheatre.org/
- University of North Alabama: www.una.edu
- Alabama Heritage: www.alabamaheritage.com
- Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital: www.chgroup.org
- Helen Keller Hospital: www.helenkeller.com
- Shoals Hospital: www.namcshoals.com
- North Alabama Medical Center: www.namccares.com
Alabama Convention & Visitor’s Bureaus
- Alabama Gulf Coast: www.gulfshores.com and www.orangebeach.com
- Alabama Tourism and Travel: www.alabama.travel
- Athens CVB: www.tourathens.com
- Auburn–Opelika CVB: http://www.aotourism.com
- Colbert County CVB: www.colbertcountytourism.org
- Decatur CVB: www.decaturcvb.org
- Dothan CVB: www.
- Foley CVB: www.foleycvb.com
- Fort Payne: www.tourdekalb.com
- Gadsden–Etowah Tourism: www.gadsden-etowahtourismboard.com
- Greater Birmingham CVB: www.sweetbirmingham.com
- Guntersville CVB: explorelakeguntersville.com
- Huntsville/Madison CVB: www.huntsville.org
- Mobile CVB: www.mobile.org
- Montgomery Area Visitors Center: www.visitingmontgomery.com
- North Alabama Tourism Association: www.northalabama.org
- Tuscaloosa CVB: www.tcvb.org
Board of Directors
Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Visitor Center Board...
About the Florence-Lauderdale CVB
Our mission is to strengthen the economic foundation for all citizens of Lauderdale County.
Contact Us
Send us a message. Let us be your guide for things to do in Florence, Lauderdale County and the...