2020 Lady Bass Anglers Association Wildcard Event
This event has expired and is here for your information.
Lake Pickwick
Lake Pickwick is the host lake for the 2020 Lady Bass Anglers Association Wildcard event. Pickwick Lake is located on the Tennessee River at mile marker 206.7 in Hardin County, Tennessee. The reservoir is located in Hardin County in Tennessee, Tishomingo County in Mississippi, and Colbert and Lauderdale Counties in Alabama.
Construction of the reservoir began December 20, 1934, with the first concrete being poured on November 15, 1935. The dam was closed and filling of the reservoir began February 8, 1938. The lock opened for traffic February 19, 1938. The first generator went into operation on June 29, 1938. The initial cost of the Pickwick project totaled $31,841,299 with the total cost after adding four generating units being $45,657,481. For the construction of the reservoir, 506 families had to be relocated and 427 agreements for gravesites, with 407 gravesites were moved. Pickwick Landing Dam has a maximum height of 113 feet, and a maximum width of 7,715 feet, with 4,687 feet of that being left embankment, and 977 feet of the right embankment.
Pickwick Lake offers 496 miles of shoreline, 85 miles of which is island shoreline. At the normal maximum pool, the reservoir contains 924,000-acre feet of water, with a surface area of 43,100 acres.
The lake records are 14 lbs 11 oz for largemouth. There is no lake record for spotted bass, but a 4lb minimum is required to qualify. The state records for these two species are 16 lbs 08 oz for largemouth, 10 lbs 8 oz for smallmouth, and 8 lbs 15 oz for spotted bass. The last day to register for this event is May 18, 2020.
This two days pro/am event will have pro-anglers competing to bring in the heaviest 5 fish limit comprised of any combination of largemouth, or spotted bass. Co-anglers are looking for the same species but only need 3 fish for a bag limit each day. The angler in each division with the largest combined three-day weight will be awarded the top cash prize for her division. The Wildcard event provides the opportunity for anglers to qualify for the Lady Bass Classic in several ways. 1) Angler of the Year Points; 2) Highest finishing anglers in each division not already qualified; 3) Draw from anglers who have fished all year but have not qualified by the two other options; 4) Through participation and qualification through an LBAA Federation.