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Jul 25th - Jul 30th

Shoals Singer/Songwriter Showcase

Shoals Singer/Songwriter Showcase

This event has expired and is here for your information.

For a second year, the Florence Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau will host the Shoals Singer/Songwriter Showcase during the week of July 25. Some of the top, hit songwriters in the Shoals, including Lenny Leblanc, Gary Baker, James Leblanc, Phillip White, Mark Narmore, Donny Lowery and many more, will share their stories and songs.

Showcases will take place from 1:00 - 3:00 pm during the week.  A full line-up of writers is listed below.

Please arrive early as this will be standing-room crowds.  Our lobby area will be set up so a limited number of guests can watch the show on a large LED screen. Unfortunately, you will not be able to save seats. Please be sure your entire party arrives at the same time.

Date: July 25-30

Location: The Gallery @ the Florence Lauderdale Visitor Center, 200 Jim Spain Dr. Florence, AL 35630

Monday, July 25

James Leblanc
Angela Hacker
Phillip White

Tuesday, July 26 - ** Note: this show is from 1-2 pm

Kerry Gilbert
Hugh Banks

Wednesday, July 27

Bobby Tomberlin
Mark Narmore
Walt Aldridge

Thursday., July 28

Cadence Baker
Taylor Grace
Bailey White

Friday, July 29

Gary Nichols
Michael Curtis
Ed Hill

Saturday, July 30

Lenny Leblanc
Gary Baker
Donny Lowery