Wildwood Park: New Trail Ribbon Cutting
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The City of Florence and the Shoals MTB non-profit are hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for the NEW multi-use trails at Wildwood Park. The event will take place at the trailhead near the Cypress Creek bridge on Waterloo Road. Starting at 1:00pm This trail project has been funded by the Northwest Alabama RC&D council, Athletic Brewing co, the Joel R. Anderson Family Foundation, and with locally matched funds from Shimano through the IMBA Dig In program. The Master Plan for the Trails in Wildwood Park was provided to the city by the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area (MSNHA). The Shoals MTB non-profit, a chapter of the Southern Off Road Bicycle Association (SORBA), has been fundraising and leading volunteer efforts to maintain and develop new recreational opportunities in the park since 2018. The Shoals MTB organization strives to make Wildwood Park an outdoor recreational destination for all users. The trails in the park have historically been very challenging for beginners, but this trail project will provide an example of the modern trail design that creates equity and inclusion. There will be another 2 miles of this type of trail developed in the coming year. This development has many sponsorship needs and opportunities. To learn more please email shoalsmtb@gmail.com